Regional Response Mechanism?
The Regional Response Mechanism (RRM) is a network of CDEMA Participating States (PSs), national, regional and international disaster stakeholders through which external response and relief operations in support of an impacted CDEMA Participating State (PS) are coordinated. The RRM is guided by the principles of the Regional Disaster Response Support Doctrine which are in compliance with international Humanitarian Principles.
The RRM Governance Structure
It is regulated by the national disaster plans of the CDEMA PSs which are synced to the Regional Coordination Plan (RCP), and through memorandum of understandings (MOUs) and agreements among the partners. The mechanism is sub-divided into four (4) sub-regions (North-western, Eastern, Central, and Southern sub-regions), to allow for better coordination of operations in all the geographical regions covered by this mechanism.
The Regional Response Units
There are five (5) standard regional response units which provide surge capacity to an impacted CDEMA PS in the areas of relief management – CARICOM Disaster Relief Unit (CDRU), emergency coordination – CARICOM Operational Support Team (COST), initial humanitarian needs assessments – CARICOM Disaster Assessment and Coordination (CDAC), initial sectoral assessments – Rapid Needs Assessment Team (RNAT), and search and rescue – Regional Search and Rescue Team (RSART). However, the RRM is able to put together specialized technical teams based on the nature of the hazard and request from the impacted state.
The RRM is coordinated through the Regional Coordination Center (RCC) housed at the CDEMA HQ in Barbados, and is staffed by a combination of personnel from the CDEMA Coordinating Unit (CU) and the RRM partner agencies. It is through the RCC that the combined resources of the RRM are aptly matched to needs of the impacted state(s), and all the requisite administrative, financial, and logistical arrangements are coordinated.